A Conch of a Time

Food is a window into the soul of a culture. In India and along the spice route, you have the heat and sweetness of the spices. In island  nations like The Bahamas, you have wonderfully fresh seafood.

Happy cruiser

When my cruise to The Bahamas docked in Nassau, I knew I wanted to eat some Conch. Pronounced “konk”, it is the creature that lives inside the huge seashells that you see in shops by the sea-shore.

My Bahamian hosts, Kathy and Ian, took me to Arawak Cay for lunch. The restaurant samples were so large and filling that I ended up cancelling my lunch order of conch fritters and conch salad! I can be such a cheap date sometimes! :D

I did have space for dessert though, Guava Duff! :)


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